
Cider mill

Our remarkable craft ciders, pressed and fermented in low temperatures, we make them from old apple species that were very popular decades ago and nowadays almost disappeared. Here you can find among others: golden reinette, booskop, red rinette, grey reinette, malinówka oberlandzka, grochówka, antonówka, koksa and others.

Subcarpathian climate is ideal for apples. Together with fertile loess soil and gentle slopes of Dynów Foothills we’ve got perfect conditions for growing apple trees. Numerous sunny days provide necessary energy to the fruits and first cold autumn nights allow them to sweeten. All this makes our apples the best possible basis for quality cider.

We never use any pesticides or herbicides in our orchards. We pick up apples manually when they are completely mature and fall from trees by themselves. This is the moment of first selection – only mature and healthy fruits are picked up. Later we select them again directly before pressing the must.

To the old trees we owe the extraordinary must – very rich with natural sugars and organic acids which provide full aroma to our ciders. During slow fermentation in low temperatures we gain all possible benefits from our fruits. We do not filter or use additives to clear our ciders. We let them mature for months to clear in 100% natural way – using only time and gravity.

Once bottled, we give them next few weeks or even months to mature and become naturally sparkling before you can finally taste them.

How do we make our ciders?
Carefully. We take care personally of every step of the process in our cidery mill. From pressing the must to bottling the cider.
Jabłka dojrzewają w starych, kilkudziesięcioletnich sadach.
Ze świeżych i dojrzałych owoców uzyskujemy sok.
Powolny proces fermentacji wydobywa z nich esencję smaku i aromatu.
Po kilku miesiącach leżakowania szlachetny trunek jest butelkowany i gotowy do spożycia.

Sprawdź z jakich odmian jabłek przygotowujemy nasze cydry

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